Date | Venue | Fees |
Course Price: 11,500.00
Course Description
This course examines foundational principles and lays the framework for developing effective leadership skills. It takes a deep dive into advanced concepts and techniques and how they can be applied for success in the modern workplace. There are some traits that all great leaders have in common: presence, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and ethical values are a few. This course is designed for managers, supervisors, and individuals who would like to enhance these traits and advance their thinking, behavior, and actions to prepare for new leadership challenges.
- Apply emotional intelligence competencies to enhance individual, team, and organizational performance
- Develop a strong leadership presence by capitalizing on strengths and talents
- Demonstrate flexibility in your leadership approach to maximize effectiveness
- Shape your interactions with others
- Develop the emotional intelligence of a team
- Solve ethical dilemmas
- Take intelligent, calculated risks to achieve strategic objectives
- Take an active role in your leadership development
Defining Leadership
- What is leadership
- Trait vs. process leadership
- Assigned vs. emergent leadership
- Power-based leadership
- The leadership-management continuum
Leadership and Power/Five bases of Power
- Five bases of power
- Reverent power
- Expert power
- Legitimate power
- Reward Power
- Coercive power
- Leadership and management
Leading with Vision and Inspiration
- What makes a good leader?
- Is leadership a trait?
- Historical shifts in trait perspective
- 5-Factor Personality Model and Leadership
- Neuroticism
- Extraversion
- Openness
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Emotional intelligence and leadership
Cultural Dimensions and Leadership
- Meta-analysis of gender and leadership effectiveness
- Cultural dimensions
- Clusters of world cultures
- Characteristics of clusters
- Developing leadership with strategic thinking
- Nested model framework
Committing to Leadership
- Skills model of leadership
- Blake-Mouton Grid
- Balancing people and productivity
- Situational leadership
- Path-Goal theory
Transformational Leadership
- Transformational leadership factors
- Transformational leadership examples
- Model the way
- Inspire a shared vision
- Challenge the process
- Enable others to act
- Encourage the heart
Team Leadership
- Team leadership
- Psychodynamic approach
- Eric Berne and transactional analysis
- Carl Jung and personality
Leadership Assessment
- Assessment road map
- Developmental readiness
- Leadership architecture
- How to accelerate leadership development